Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cocktails with 'The Slave'

Last night I had drinks with 'The Slave'... For a couple of years now, I have had this friend who wants me to boss him around and make him clean my house, run errands, buy me chocolates, lick my feet... EEW. I won't do it of course. Not my thang!

We had this really long talk about how he never gets in to a proper relationship because of his desire for being submissive and subservient to women in charge is what 'drives' him - you know, sexually. He knows he jumps the gun by letting on to this fact right away, so he never really gets to know someone - or lets them get to know him before he lays on the slave crap. I told him he should hold off and see if he gets to know someone well enough that they would consider that role-play stuff with him.

Who knows what will happen to him. It's sort of a lonely life I guess. I mean, I have said this before, nothing would make me happier than getting a big strapping lad in to do the chores, clear out the garden and then bring me croissants in bed. But I sort of have my own fantasy - that someone who does all that for me would be doing that because they like being in my life and doing things that enrich my life. Someone who would appreciate having some attention back from me. You know, someone who loves me.

Not someone who wants me to boss them around just for kicks!

At this point, you're probably asking - why do you still have drinks with 'the slave'? The answer is - because he's ALWAYS a nice guy and a good friend. And when he's not hot for some dominating female to order him vacuuming and scrubbing the tub, he's a considerate and kind person. He called on Father's day to make sure I was OK. Just wanted to touch base on a day that he knew would be hard for me. A good guy. So, I try to make an effort to meet up with him occasionally and be a supportive friend.

Usually we discuss the above issues and I think he appreciates having someone who listens without judgment. I mean - I don't judge him, but can't stomach details of the domination stuff. eew.

Anyway - I was looking super hot last night and had 'it' - whatever that is - and a bevy of hottie Commission guys were marking the territory around my table at Ralph's, offering many glasses of plonky wine, making eye contact, flirting - (Aussie Girl would have loved it) Until - my 6'5, strapping 'Wannabe Slave' showed up and they sort of scampered. Darn.

For some reason I have a headache this morning. Perhaps someone can bring me some aspirin...hmm. Who would do that for me ...lets see...