Monday, June 18, 2007

Puppy Good

Happy Father's Day Dad.

Though you have been gone for 7 months I can't quite believe it.

I talk to you every day as I did before you died.

You knew what was going on. You always knew what to ask, what was relevant and what to share.

You made me know that the adventure was about finding myself and learning about others.

You knew that an experience like this would help me see how important my family and friends are and not to take them for granted.

Take nothing for granted.

Work hard on your profession and harder on life.

People matter.

Mom has been clearing out your desk. She's keeping the cards and notes I sent you over the years. She's especially fond of a birthday card I sent 25 years ago. You were so sentimental!

You kept everything - little shreds of articles torn from magazines, pictures of weird things - like a picture you once took of a TV in your hotel in China - featuring a Chinese game show. That was more interesting to you. Cultural perceptions, trends, attitudes, life of the living people - all mattered to you.

Me, and my friends mattered to you and you couldn't wait to soak up my stories of travelling somewhere new.

I am so proud of you.

You were so proud of me.

You gave me love and support and a wonderful life.

You give me a legacy of grace

I only hope I can make you proud forever Dad

I love you very much

You were Puppy Good - which is very good indeed!