Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's New

I was so busy with work and life I didn't have a chance to write over the last couple weeks - not a good excuse I know. But there has to be something that piques my writing interest enough to set aside some time and tell you about it.

I was in Dublin Tuesday and Wednesday for work. I was lucky enough to have time for a wander downtown Tuesday evening near St. Stephen's Green, Trinity college and the surrounding area. Dublin was lovely. Sunny, breezy, cool, hip, fashionable, cutting-edge, worn, soft, lively, quirky, traditional, new and old. Nice.

I wish Sio had been with me. Musicians lined the streets and jammed for the passing tourists and locals anchored at popular bars- with their creamy foam-topped pints of Guinness. The trees groaned with heavy lush green leaves and it felt as if the city was draped with a green dappled light shawl.

I revelled in the Marks and Spencer's food hall. Spoiled for choice of prepackaged gourmet, fresh, well done food. Bought my favourite spring onion crackers to take home and serve at the next dinner party.

I remember a group of students wandering along a row of pubs. One girl in a short denim skirt, black tights and gold ballet slippers. Oddly that image stays in my mind more than any other over the last few days.

Home to a happy dog last night. He spent two days with the lovely Lara who was kind enough to dog-sit while I was away. She's patient and sweet yet stern so he has a lot of respect for her and whines appropriately when she leaves - leaving him with me - alone at home. Back to the daily struggle for both of us. Who's in control? The dog or me? I'd like to think it's me but I know better.

Now what to do with this stuff....After two years I have a garden problem I never thought I would have. I have too much grass! Until May of this year, I had 5 huge trees in my garden and the ground hardly saw the light of day. I spent a lot of money over the years on trying to get the grass to grow. I even pressured my friend Marnix into trucking out turf and laying it two years ago. The turf died, nothing would ever take hold and grow. I used super-duper grass seed - developed extra strong for growing in shaded areas.

Since the landlord chopped the trees down, the grass has grown like weeds - and the weeds have grown like, well, weeds! My garden is a mess. And I have to break down and do something I hadn't planned on doing. Buy a lawn mower. For 30 square meters of grass.... I will have to get one of those heavy duty plastic ones that fold up - that's all I need!!

Should be funny though. Problem is - I was sort of thinking about a strimmer too. You know, like a weed whacker thing. The guys at the local hardware store are going to get a kick out of me this Saturday.

I don't often say this - but I need a guy to help this weekend. I also need a cabinet door re-hung. I would make a super dinner to thank him....

Dad is still frail and not eating properly. My Nephew Jason who is a trained EMT is down there helping Mom and Dad indefinitely. He promises me that Dad will get stronger - it will just take some time. I will visit early September and spend some quality time with him.