Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mad Hatter

Here's an e-mail exchange I got from a pretty good friend of mine...

Guy friend: Hey, you left your hat in my car the other night
Me: Wasn't me, I don't wear hats.
Guy friend: It's yours, it's black
Guy friend: Sorry, it is not yours, just remembered whose it is, never mind

Now, let me take you on a journey through my mind. This is the actual sequence of thoughts I had during this e-mail exchange and in this order.

1. What night?....
2. I don't ever wear hats do I?
3. Typical guy, I tell him I don't wear hats and he still says it's mine...
4. Wait. Is he saying it's mine because he's thick or just because it's black?
5. Hard to tell, he's pretty thick
6. Do I wear too much black? (all of you at home stop nodding your head)
7. Probably
8. Does it matter?
9. Yes, if that's how people are defining me - 'Look everyone!! It's the girl who
wears too much black!' Not good!
10. No it doesn't matter. I look good in black...
11. Hey...wait a minute...How many people leave hats in his car? Who cares?
12. At least I didn't leave any other clothing...I think
13. Even if I did wear hats - I wouldn't have left it - I wouldn't have taken it off...

- 'You can leave your hat on' - but take off your socks!