Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I've been 'tagged' - meaning it's my turn to fill out the questionnaire sent around the block and back - like those chain e-mails. Ah, this is a step above - it doesn't say that you will have good luck the moment you send it to 25 people and it doesn't say you will have bad luck if you don't. So why not?

Three things you wish for (just for you):

That I had my own house on the beach in Normandy and could spend every weekend there

That I could travel the world as a food investigator with my dog

That I had a bear-like, rugby-playing boyfriend who was a lot of fun and was passionate about his career

Three things you would do to/for yourself if there was no one to judge you (or if you had the guts to do it!):

guts: slight reduction in the breast area - no arguments please

judgment: wear a halter top in summer

judgment(as in not having any): eat and drink as much as I wanted all the time

Three bad habits you have:

over-spending on books and magazines - People is €8 a copy here....

Possibly, spoiling my dog to the point he's a bit of a baby


Three insecurities you feel:

Being 41

Don't feel great when men speak to my chest

The 'Good thing you're pretty' line - Why? Am I not smart enough????(They're just jealous)

Three talents/skills you wish you had:

The Ability to sing - even 1/100th as well as Sio - dream on ...

The ability to speak several languages fluently

To be as gracious and welcoming as my Mom and Dad

Three things that you would do if you had more time

Train Bunny Dog to do agility courses - he would love them

Take a cooking class on French cuisine - especially sauces

Learn to fish

Three things that bring you peace/relaxation:

My dog when he's on my lap or sitting next to me with his paws in the air, his eyes closed and his ears flopping back

Lying in the sun, listening to NPR and reading the Sunday (London)Times

When someone brushes my hair

Three things that spark your creativity:


A really stupid recipe or cooking show

A bunch of good-looking EU guys in suits at Ralph's or The Hairy Canary

I pass the tag to CZB