Friday, April 07, 2006

Chinese Curse

In a speech in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 7, 1966, Robert F. Kennedy said, "There is a Chinese curse which says, "May he live in interesting times." Like it or not, we live in interesting times..."

Aside from the fact that Chinese people have never heard of this curse - it's a pretty potent one wherever it originated. And it seems to have come true for us humans. These are interesting times as a whole, but individually, I think we all have challenging personal lives.

My mother just called to tell me what happened to Auntie Bette. (Pronounced Bett) Who at 80 years old, still works as a lunch lady at the local elementary school in Homedale, Idaho. (The main thoroughfare in Homedale is called Chicken Dinner Road - no joke).

Anyway, in between bouts of laughter, Mom said Bette might be the first person in history to run themselves over while driving the car. Yep. Apparently she was getting in to her car with the car door open, slipped, grabbed the steering wheel and that gizmo on the side that changes the gear - her legs slipped under the car and she effectively drove over her own legs. Auntie Bette is badly bruised, but doesn't have a single broken bone. I know it's not a laughing matter - but it SO is!!

When Mom called, my 83 year-old Dad picked up the phone to say 'Hello' for a minute or so. He then got off the line because he was 'supervising' the plumber who was repairing something in the bathroom off of 'Your room' (one of 3 guestrooms which will forever be referred to as my room) - anyway about 10 minutes after Dad hung up - Mom asked who was making all the noise? She thought someone was talking in my office. I informed her that Dad had not replaced the receiver on the hook properly and that from my end I could clearly hear Dad and the plumber sorting out the issues, moving porcelain toilet tops, watery noises, etc. I thought my Mom was going to die of laughter. She's in such a good mood today!! She thought it was a hoot that I had been listening to that for 10 minutes. She and Dad will have a giggle about that too.

There are so many whacky things going on our lives right now - and truth be told - we would get really bored if it were all about normal, serene days, with little to no excitement, abnormalities and malfunctions.

May you have an interesting weekend