Holiday Cheers
Mom was here for a week during Thanksgiving. Since good family friends have moved here, we decided to have a true family feast on the day. My first in 8 years, many Belgian friends are tired of hearing me babble on about the turkey and all of the sides. But too bad... I never realised how much I missed it. The moment we walked in the door of Judith and Daniel's house, I went a bit weak in the knees for the smell of the roasted, rich, turkey permeating the whole house. Yum ee. I ate entirely too much.
During her visit, Mom drove me half mad in the way only one's own mother can. It's a fact of life that your own mother drives you crazy while other people think your mother is completely reasonable. People don't pick up the same nuances of guilt and passive aggressiveness from other people's Mothers. Only their own. But it's a fact.
I did well to bite my tongue and harness my temper with her a bit. Yeah... (Sorry, it likely was at the expense of other people - well, definitely at the expense of others...) I think it was a great precursor for the Christmas holiday. Of course, when I go home I will have to Drive Miss Daisy all over town, at her whim and clearly - I am not going home once a year to visit friends but to be a personal slave to her and her 607 year-old dog.
But the time together eased the panic of my usual Christmas visit. We've had time to suss one another out - see if we've lost weight, gained weight, doing well, losing minds etc. Of course, there's no worries about me - I am in perfect shape, and clearly as sharp as a tack...Ya. Mom, not so much. She knows she's repetitive and when I remind her that she's already told me about Cousin Johnny's new job 14 times, she claims I am making her out to seem like she's senile or losing her mind....(or both I say under my breath). But all in all, she's not bad for 81! In fact she's great.
Mom has reported that the Christmas boys (men) are already calling in for my schedule. Christmas boys are the non-committal men in my life who love the idea of being chivalrous, gentlemanly and ultimately enchanting during my visits home for Christmas. The words 'I live in Belgium' are like an aphrodisiac to DC Men. Not only do they not have to call after a date, but there's no chance of running in to me at the local bar and getting their head chewed-off for not calling. No commitment, no crime. Music to a DC man's ears. And frankly, about as much as they can muster.
Don't get me wrong - I enjoy being flava flave when I get home. It's very nice to know that there's always someone who wants to go to a party with you. Like my friend David pretty much expects to go to the annual party at Ingleside terrace - he likes me but I suspect he likes to hear lovely Sio and members of Fugazi and French Toast banging out funky renditions of Christmas songs. Rum-pa-pum-pum. (I go to get a look see at the hunky Brendan of course :-))
I really, really look forward to spending time with my girlfriends. The most incredible, intelligent, funny and loving group of women in the world. Empowering, supportive, creative and caring. I draw strength from just being in their company. I can't wait to see them.
Another holiday highlight will be my annual Dim Sum brunch. Mom and I try to make it as non-Christmassy as possible. Not intending to act like Scrooges or anything...When Dad died a month before Christmas 2 years ago, we couldn't face all the garbage that goes with every Christmas gathering. The star-shaped cookies, the egg nog, the sparkles, the nut-covered cheese log, the Santa hats, the sugar sprinkles and all that stuff. So we decided to have an event which featured none of the regular stuff that is presented to us dozens of times over the holiday period - and it was a hit. This will be our 3rd Dim sum brunch and I expect all of the excitement of the past years (well, maybe not ALL of the excitement... but most of it!!)) The opportunity to see all of my best friends and their amazing children. The best time ever.
Anyway - here's to all of my good friends. Have a really nice holiday season. I hope you do whatever makes you feel fantastic. Have a safe and healthy year to come and remember how amazing you are. I am truly lucky to know you all.